Previous Meetings and Lectures
May 6 2022, Frans Visser
Orthostatic intolerance in ME/CFS
April 8 2022, Øystein Fluge
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: pathomechanisms and possible treatment
Link to the seminar video (to be uploaded)
March 4 2022, Lars Gunnar Gunnarsson (In Swedish)
PEM vid olika trötthetssyndrom: Kan exklusiv diagnostik baserat på patofysiologisk forskningsfront vägleda behandling?
Feb 4 2022, Carmen Scheibenbogen
Immunodeficiency aspects of ME/CFS
Jan 14 2022. Mieke Hulens
Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome from another perspective
Dec 3 2021. Brett Lidbury
Understanding Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) from Clinical Assessment to Mitochondrial Function and Genomics via Australian Cohorts
Oct 8 2021. Lucinda Bateman
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Essentials of Diagnosis and Management
Sep 3 2021. Betsy Keller
Physiological responses to exercise portend research directives and clinical management in ME/CFS
June 4 2021. Anders Rosén & Eirini Apostolou
Reactivation of latent viruses after mild covid-19 infection: Implications for long-covid and ME/CFS
May 7 2021. Sven Britton (In Swedish)
Covid-19, postcovid, ME/CFS – comparisons within and between low income versus high income countries
April 9 2021. Anders Kjellberg
The role of redox potential, oxidative stress and why hyperbaric oxygen could help ME/CFS and Long COVID patients get into gear
”The Icelandic Covid Outpatient Clinic” Professor Runólfur Pálsson MD, Chief of Medicine at Landspítali University Hospital, Reykjavík
”Post Covid19 research at deCode genetics” Hilma Hólm, MD, Head of Cardiovascular at deCODE genetics, Reykjavik
Feb 5 2021. John Övretveit
Covid 19 update, and overview of researsch into Long Covid
Jan 8 2020. Fariborz Mobarezz
Extracellular vesicles
Dec 4 2020. Helene Alexandersson
Standardized methods to measure, evaluate and establish physical performance in patient/individuals with physical dysfunction
Nov 6 2020. Markku Partinen
Dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system in ME/CFS – A phenotype of ME/CFS as a functional neuro illness
Okt 2 2020. Jan Ulfberg
Restless legs syndrome and Selenium
Sep 4 2020. Gustav Mårtensson
Neuroimaging and machine learning
June 12 2020. Martin Jonsjö
Sickness and behavior in ME/CFS
May 15 2020. Per Julin
Webinar on Neuroimaging
April 17 2020. Jonas Bergquist
Metabolomics and ME
March 6 2020. Helena Huhmar and Lauri Soinne
Neurology and ME/CFS
February 7 2020. Jonas Axelsson
Leading an open discussion about the immune system and ME/CFS
(no media material available)
January 10 2020. Christoph Freyers
Mitochondrial disorders and ME/CFS
December 7 2019. Michel Silvestri
My travel with ME/CFS
November 15 2019. Sture Eriksson
Om att utveckla ME-vården (in Swedish)
October 12 2019. Folke Lind
Hyperbar oxygen treatment and ME/CFS
September 13 2019. Gunnar Olsson
Oxidative stress and ME/CFS
June 10 2019. Bo Bertilson
Journal club. Albrecht et al. 2018, Glial activation
May 23 2019. Bo Bertilson
Journal club. Hakim et al. 2017 Chronic fatigue and EDS
April 12 2019. A day about ME/CFS (in Swedish)
Jonas Axelsson – Immunologiska markörer vid ME/CFS
Björn Bragee och Bo Bertilson – Elementärt om ME/
Per Julin – Kunskapsläget
March 8 2019. Bo Bertilson
Report from the ME Conference in London Journal club. Henderson et al. 2019 Cervical Medullary Syndrome
February 8 2019. Bo Bertilson
Journal club. Rowe et al. 2018 Surgery Cervical spine and ME/CFS
January 11 2019. Bo Bertilson
Journal club. Hulens et al. 2018 Idiopathic intarcranial hypertension, ME/CFS and fibromyalgia
December 7 2018. Bo Bertilson
The first PIAF meeting
Journal club Rosa and Baird 2015, The Craniocervical Junction (book chapter)